This thesis examines photometry of the new moon (crescent) with emphasis on the contrast of light visibility studies hilal (crescent) to light syafaq (dusk). The selection of this study is based on the fact that the moon is extraterrestrial and atmospheric physical phenomena are very difficult to observe in a very young age, when the intensity of the light is brighter than the light syafaq and hilal. In astronomical new moon can be seen that the position is very close to the sun. The emergence of a very brief sighting of the moon shortly after sunset and moon position adjacent to the sunset time, so often times less bright than the moon light with light syafaq.
Hilal does not have its own light source. Hilal only reflect sunlight. Part of the new moon is illuminated and facing toward the earth looks much brighter just after sunset. Because the moon moves around the earth, from day to day where to move. This can lead to changes in the forms of the month, starting from the crescent shape, semi-circular, perfectly round, then a half circle again, and finally back to form a crescent (month old).
When the sun goes down, the light is still visible up to a position of the sun is about 60 below the horizon. This indicates that the light just after sunset syafaq still very strong that lets beat moon light. In normal circumstances it is difficult to observe the crescent moon, because of low contrast light, meaning light Hilal will be immersed in a light sheen syafaq.
Based on the background of the issues above, which are at issue in this study is, how to formulate the photometric contrast and contrast the new moon, new moon to new moon syafak allowing visible. Robust measurement of light (light intensity) and the moon light syafaq performed using a digital camera with image processing software photometry such as IRIS. 5-58.
In order to find answers to the problem, in this study the authors formulate and lowering of the research methodology of field research (Field Research), with data collected from observations and the international image of the new moon observations are then processed by the photometry software and equipped with a data library are considered to represent the (representative) and relevant (irrelevant) to the object of this study. The main data sources (primary sources) in this study and the new moon photo syafaq observations. In addition, the supporting data sources used as well (secondary sources) that form the data to answer the astronomical literature and analyzed in this study.
From this research it is known that, the new moon is not easy to observe, there are certain limits in order to contrast the new moon can be observed. Finally, the author of a series of analyzes to be done, the thesis was to determine objectively stronger light intensity can be observed that the new moon (hilal visibility) in the early months of the determination criteria based on the observation and analysis, so that this thesis can contribute in developing the study of astronomy (celestial sphere), both in the realm of methodological and practical sphere, so the study of astronomy has deals with the means of building a strong science like other scientific disciplines. At least, this thesis provides an overview of models of an integrative-interdisciplinary approach as a basis for greater emphasis on academic research to sharpen the results of the analysis.

* Key words: Photometry, Hilal Visibility and Light Syafaq

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